We’re glad you found us!

We understand that you’re looking for more than just a marketing or creative job — you’re looking for a career. And we’re always looking for good people to help us serve our clients. To learn more about who we are and what we do, visit the Services section of our site, read some of our Employees’ Stories, or check out our list of FAQs.

Program Manager - Marketing

Austin, Texas

Compensation: Based 2-4 years of experience.

Hours / Duration: Full-time, ongoing

Drive strategic marketing initiatives, leading core cycle planning sessions for a global semiconductor’s commercial group.

Job Number: 102367

Employee Brand Advocacy Manager

Remote in states listed

Compensation: Based on 3-5 years experience.

Hours / Duration: Full time; ongoing

Lead and scale a thriving internal brand advocacy program for a leading semiconductor technology company.

Job Number: 102369

Project Manager - Rebranding

Remote from listed states only

Compensation: Based 2-4 years of experience.

Hours / Duration: Full-time until Dec 2025 with possible extension

Manage the rebrand of creative assets across print and digital for a Fortune 50 medical products leader.

Job Number: 102376

Marketing Manager - Onsite

Santa Clara, CA

Compensation: Based on 1-2 years of experience

Hours / Duration: Full-time one year

Join a global semiconductor leader coordinating outbound marketing initiatives.

Job Number: 102378

Graphic Designer

Remote in listed states

Compensation: Based on 3 to 5 years of experience

Hours / Duration: Full-time ongoing

Design B2B marketing materials for web and digital with some video editing/motion work.

Job Number: 102381

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Our Culture

The creative spirit exists within all of us! Whether you’re a graphic designer or a marketing project manager or an event planner or a marketing analyst, we know that your creative passion defines you. You’re an artist, a musician, a poet or a dreamer. We honor and celebrate that because we’re cut from that same cloth. So when you’re looking for marketing or creative jobs in Austin, Texas, St. Paul, Minnesota, or beyond we hope you’ll consider joining our great team!

Our Culture at Liaison Creative + Marketing

Our People

We’re an odd bunch, infused with creative passion and the desire to serve our clients and our fellow Liaisonians every day. This commitment comes from the very top of our leadership and permeates every level of the company. Our passion for service unites us.

Employee Stories
Our Benefits at Liaison Creative + Marketing

Our Benefits

We understand that your career is about more than just a paycheck. You want the added security that comes from having a full employee benefits package, including top-notch health insurance, paid leave, disability coverage and retirement plan. That’s what you’ll get from Liaison – plus some pretty great parties!

Our Community at Liaison Creative + Marketing

Our Community

Liaison is proud to be a long-time member of Austin’s vibrant creative community. And like any good community, it requires a solid investment in order to grow and thrive. That’s why we support the Austin Advertising FederationAIGA Austin, and E4 Youth, a great local non-profit that’s working to help underserved youth identify and pursue pathways to careers in the creative arts industries. Learn more about our community involvement here.



Scott Huber Director of Talent Strategy

Scott Huber


As the Director of Talent Strategy, Scott is driven to pay it forward every day. Early in his career someone gave him a chance, helping him bridge his skills and ambition into an opportunity that was mutually beneficial for his career and the company. This is his daily motivator at Liaison.
He harnesses the power of his training in mechanical engineering and commercial art to herd creative cats on the daily. Scott has a wide range of experience as a metaphorical shepherd, working in a variety of roles including Creative Director in Educational Publishing, consulting with National Geographic School Publishing, and Project Management with Industrial Designers at Dell.

Scott followed his brother from the frigid plains of Minnesota to Austin, and has been here ever since. At home Scott actually herds two kids and two cats. He volunteers with E4 Youth, an Austin-based organization that connects underserved students in the area to multifaceted creative industries. In his spare time he enjoys road biking, long boarding, and can often be found sketching and dabbling in silk screening.


Ashley Rousseau


As a Talent Strategist at Liaison, Ashley loves connecting with new people, hearing their stories, and playing matchmaker between top brands and stellar talent. Her diverse career spans tech marketing, event production, and hospitality management working for top brands like American Express, Austin City Limits, Jeep, IBM, Porsche, LinkedIn, and Google. She is grateful for the opportunity to influence careers and shape organizational culture through genuine human connections (apologies to the A.I.).

When Ashley isn’t hunting down a diner where cherry pie goes to die (thanks Dale Cooper) you'll find her sipping on a coffee so strong it has its own GPS coordinates, munching on fresh sushi, watching baseball, or challenging her 4-year-olds to epic battles of Mario Kart. Ashley is a passionate advocate for kids in foster care through her work as a CASA and foster parent. She strives to provide love, support, and opportunities to kids and young adults from hard places.
